I am interested in Florence Nightingale. She was born on May 12, 1820 in Florence. She received an education in nursing in her time. The Crimean War began in 1854. She and a staff of 38 women volunteer nurses went to Scutari in November. There were 12000 or more injured and the death rate was 42% in the field hospital in 1855. However, the death rate fell to 5% in May, because she improved the water supply, drainage, and ventilation. Therefore, she was called the ”Angel of Crimea.” In 1856, the Crimean War ended and the number of dead was about 21000 people. The number of people who died from disease was about 16000. This cause was insanitary. She knew it, and she was a state of apathy for some years. Moreover she wrote "Notes of Nursing", which was published in 1859. It became a best seller. The next year, she opened “The Florence Nightingale School of Nursing and Midwifery.” In 1907, She was given Order of Merit as a woman for the first time. Then she died on August 13 in 1910. I respect her life.